eima 2021

Faresin Industries ‘ presence at Eima international 2021 confirms the change of pace that the Vicenza industry has adopted and is the result of business choices and industrial decisions that occurred well before the pandemic event and now become tangibly appreciable.

A series of activities involving the company’s three production assets. The very recent presentation of the new range of telescopic handlers, exclusively worldwide to the distribution network and the press, anticipated some of the contents presented at the international event. In fact, visitors to Eima will be able to see on the Faresin stand, located in Hall 36 – Stand B/10, the world premiere of the FS 7.32 model in the lowered “LC” (Low Cab) version and in the standard version, as the progenitor of the FS range. A technologically innovative product with an attractive functional design that significantly increases visibility and safety of use, with performance at the top of its class and a predisposition that looks to the technologies of tomorrow.

Also on display was the 6.26 Full Electric telescopic that had its world premiere at the 2018 edition of this event. A leading comeback for this telescopic handler, considering that since its presentation it has begun to conquer unexplored market niches attentive to the performance that this innovative machine manages to guarantee, which can be summarized as: Zero noise, Zero emissions, Zero compromise. The exhibited model also boasts some major improvements that further boost its operational performance.

Mixer wagons, which are always Faresin Industries ‘ strategic asset, are featured on the booth with some representative “full optional” solutions that bring together the technology and knowledge gathered by the company through more than 40 years of experience, collaborative relationships with university institutes and knowledge developed in-house. Faresin Industries is, without fear of contradiction, to date the company that designs, builds and markets mixer wagons possessing the most sophisticated solutions that measurably improve the productivity and welfare of fed animals. Many and important are the expected “smart” introductions coming in the next few months.

Sante Faresin, President of Faresin Industries, comments on the company’s change of pace: “These last few years have been important for Faresin Industries because we have been able to confirm the steady trend of consolidated growth of the company and its business. This result is even more significant because it was achieved in a difficult period for the world and for the industry that underlines that this is the result of a structural growth of the Faresin brand in terms of innovation, industrial excellence and market presence.”

“The development of Faresin Industries,” recalls Silvia Faresin, vice president, “is an integrated process of technological innovation ‘made in Faresin’ and customer centric characterized by shared goals and fast and flexible decision making.”

Also important in this change of pace are the commitments made: in the industrial development plan, investments of an additional 50 million euros in R&D and industrial processes will be added in the next eight with the goal of doubling production with a focus on an increasingly environmentally sustainable product. The presentation of new products expected in the coming months will be the clearest demonstration of this.

Sante Faresin further recalls, “We are convinced that, in an ever-changing environment, know-how is a real strategic asset. In fact, thanks to the constant growth of expertise, we are internally developing new technologies and industrial processes that – in addition to producing profits – allow us to direct the company’s future.”

Picture of Giorgia


Mi chiamo Giorgia e mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni con la stampa. Sono molto creativa e mi diverto a liberare il mio estro nella produzione di contenuti come articoli, foto e video. La curiosità è il mio mantra. Sono appassionata di marketing e di comunicazione innovativa, e sono sempre attenta alle nuove tendenze.
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Puntualmente, le finalità di progetto si riassumono nei seguenti punti:

• massimizzazione del benessere dell’animale: precision feeding, benessere dell’ambiente stalla;
• elettrificazione dei sistemi di propulsione per carri miscelatori;
• farm del futuro:
• sviluppo della guida autonoma per i carri di miscelazione
• sviluppo di un MES per la gestione del processo: precision farming
• implementazione del calcolo della carbon footprint di processo in real-time analizzata in tempo reale e riferita al litro di latte prodotto

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