The Faresin Telehandlers range offers models able to offer the right solution for any type of work. The boom lengths vary from 6 to 17 meters and the lifting capacity from 2,6 to 7 tons. Control, precision and manoeuvrability: these are the fundamental requirements to lift and move easier any material.  Faresin’s innovative industrial approach allows the company to equip each model in a variety of configurations, which differ in terms of performance and options but ensure maximum comfort and efficiency. 

faresin 732 telescopico fs 2



It is the model suitable in all situations where facilities and work environments have limited space.


faresin serie fs telescopico 1

High-level performance with great agility in tight spaces and unique visibility. Spacious and ergonomic cabin also in lowered version.


faresin serie fs middle telescopico

FS Middle is suitable for companies looking for a ductile machine that allows management savings and high performance.



Power, precision and control. The Heavy Duty Range offers great high handling capabilities without compromising performance.


Big range 17.40

The Big Range is the best choice for all material handling operations in construction areas.


Telescopici Full Electric

The Faresin electric telehandler line-up offers models with boom lengths from 19.7 to 55.8 feets with lifting capacities from 5,732 to 9,000 lbs.

The importance of a telescopic handler

Faresin telehandlers are suitable for both agricultural and industrial or construction use. They easily allow the lifting, transport and positioning of any load and they can be used for moving easily in environments with limited space. A telescopic handler is more manoeuvrable than a classic tractor with a front lift, and the visibility is better.

Another advantage of telescopic handlers is their versatility, thanks to the number of accessories available such as forks, buckets, hooks, grabs, basket and much more.  

A Telehandler can be used for various purposes on a farm, from handling grain to distributing it to feed livestock. It can be useful in cleaning stables, for moving bales of hay with the bale clamp and for carrying heavy loads using the forks.  

When used in horticulture, they are ideal for moving in more limited areas. They are also used for harvesting and storage vegetables or for moving fertilizer and potting plants, or for general maintenance work. Telehandlers are also very useful in the construction industry, thanks for their flexibility. They can be very high (17 meters) and have a high capacity (7 tons) and can be useful for lifting and handling building materials. Faresin telehandler can be used as a crane to lift heavy loads, as a bucket to handle gravel or sand, etc. 

Telescopic handlers are also important for logistics, especially if they are equipped with an electric motor so that they can also work in closed warehouses. Handling goods in a warehouse becomes easier with a Faresin telescopic handler, thanks to its good maneuverability, excellent visibility, comfortable cabins for long working days. It also have a silent electric motor and a high loading capacity.

The range of Faresin telehandlers includes models for all needs and also includes Full Electric models, which contribute to the reduction of Co2 emissions into the atmosphere to reduce environmental impact.

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ERAMIX - Electric and Robot driven mixing technologies for the future sustainable agriculture

Nella proposta progettuale il team R&D Faresin sarà impegnato in attività di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale. Le stesse saranno portate a termine mediante l’apporto intellettuale di tecnici interni all’azienda, avvalendosi del supporto di specialisti esterni, tra gli altri: Service Group R&D, dell’Università degli studi di Padova. Il progetto è stato sostenuto dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy attraverso la concessione di un contributo diretto alla spesa pari a 1.960.732 € e di un finanziamento a tasso agevolato pari a 1.386.222 €.

Puntualmente, le finalità di progetto si riassumono nei seguenti punti:

• massimizzazione del benessere dell’animale: precision feeding, benessere dell’ambiente stalla;
• elettrificazione dei sistemi di propulsione per carri miscelatori;
• farm del futuro:
• sviluppo della guida autonoma per i carri di miscelazione
• sviluppo di un MES per la gestione del processo: precision farming
• implementazione del calcolo della carbon footprint di processo in real-time analizzata in tempo reale e riferita al litro di latte prodotto

Le attività prevedranno tutti gli step necessari alla realizzazione di una nuova gamma di prodotto: dalla fattibilità, alla progettazione, alla realizzazione e test, una pluralità di work packages sono volti alla realizzazione e validazione di prototipi di carro miscelatore, full electric, anche con guida autonoma e con features digitali che porteranno alla rivoluzione delle attuali pratiche operative del settore di riferimento.

Infine, il progetto rispetta il principio DNSH (“Do No Significant Harm”), di cui all’articolo 17 del regolamento (UE) 2020/852 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 18 giugno 2020. La quantificazione dell’impatto ambientale associato alle soluzioni sviluppate nel corso del progetto agevolato viene condotta facendo ricorso a strumenti di LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) grazie alla collaborazione con la società Service Group R&D.