FARESIN INDUSTRIES: budget in line with business plan

Breganze (Italy) – July 3, 2024 – “In a complex year, 2023, we recorded a result in line with the business plan for our company with a 22.5 percent increase in turnover.” Sante Faresin, founder and president of the Breganze company, began with these significant figures at the presentation of the 2023 annual report at Palazzo Bonin Longare, headquarters of Confindustria Vicenza.

“In seven years, since 2017, we have doubled turnover and since the beginning of this century, even increased tenfold,” the president was keen to emphasize. Since 2020, when the pandemic began, the company has been on a positive trend that has seen turnover increase by 65 percent.

This progression has been made possible by the appreciation of the target markets, the agricultural and costruction markets mainly, toward the products developed by the Breganzese company, which have increased its export share, now at 89 percent of turnover. Sante Faresin closed his speech with, “I would like to thank all my collaborators and customers, for the trust they have placed in the company, and our network of distributors and dealers that covers more than 70 countries.”

The company’s impact on the local area is something constantly reiterated by the family as well as being a corporate value: during 2023 alone, the company recorded the creation of 37 new jobs, a trend that is still ongoing.

2023 was an important year for Faresin Industries because in addition to celebrating the 50th since its birth during the important anniversary celebration, in front of more than 600 partners from all over the world, two new product series were unveiled for the first time: the “middle” category telescopic handlers with outreach height from 7 to 10 meters and lifting capacity up to 4.5 tons, and the fully electrically powered Leader PF Mixer Wagons. This latest series of products confirms for the company the development of a fully electric product line and follows the great attention and commercial success of the telescopic handler Full Electric, model 6.26 and from the larger size models, also Full Electric, 14.42, the 17.40 and 17.45. Solutions all aimed at meeting a nascent market demand aimed at reduced environmental impact and lower operating costs.

The ability to develop and deliver useful and cost-effective innovation to markets is one of the most valued and recognized characteristics of Faresin Industries.

Silvia Faresin, vice president explained the scenario of the world markets of 2023 and those in which the company competes in this 2024, provided some strategic lines of development: “We are experimenting with Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions integrated with the solutions we already have in our portfolio. In addition, we have already taken the step toward developing robotic solutions that will be one of our innovations in the very near future.”

Giulia Faresin, Operation manager, presenting the future strategy for industrial developments, added: “Supply chains and production capacity must increasingly work only with the market. The world continues to be influenced by many global and regional effects.

Partnership with our existing as well as new customers is growing, and our priority is to be dynamic in adapting to change. We need to pay special attention to capacity alignment and smart, innovative solutions to protect sustainability. We also pay special attention to our strategies to cope with future market fluctuations.”

Together with the Annual Report, the first Sustainability Report prepared according to GRI standards was presented, making explicit its sustainability indices and the goals the industry intends to pursue. The result of the publication is highlighting the impacts of transparent and responsible governance, deep attention to the social growth of people and the territory, and a respect for the environment. The location of the production plants on the banks of the Astico stream, imposes a special responsibility for the protection of the territory, which Faresin Industries has made explicit with its declared intention to strive for carbon neutrality. Emblematic is the collaborative relationship established with the Associazione Naturalisti Vicentini, which provided photos of animals and plants characteristic of the natural environments of the Breganzese territory included in the sustainability report with the intention of calling for knowledge and respect for the territory.

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Nella proposta progettuale il team R&D Faresin sarà impegnato in attività di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale. Le stesse saranno portate a termine mediante l’apporto intellettuale di tecnici interni all’azienda, avvalendosi del supporto di specialisti esterni, tra gli altri: Service Group R&D, dell’Università degli studi di Padova. Il progetto è stato sostenuto dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy attraverso la concessione di un contributo diretto alla spesa pari a 1.960.732 € e di un finanziamento a tasso agevolato pari a 1.386.222 €.

Puntualmente, le finalità di progetto si riassumono nei seguenti punti:

• massimizzazione del benessere dell’animale: precision feeding, benessere dell’ambiente stalla;
• elettrificazione dei sistemi di propulsione per carri miscelatori;
• farm del futuro:
• sviluppo della guida autonoma per i carri di miscelazione
• sviluppo di un MES per la gestione del processo: precision farming
• implementazione del calcolo della carbon footprint di processo in real-time analizzata in tempo reale e riferita al litro di latte prodotto

Le attività prevedranno tutti gli step necessari alla realizzazione di una nuova gamma di prodotto: dalla fattibilità, alla progettazione, alla realizzazione e test, una pluralità di work packages sono volti alla realizzazione e validazione di prototipi di carro miscelatore, full electric, anche con guida autonoma e con features digitali che porteranno alla rivoluzione delle attuali pratiche operative del settore di riferimento.

Infine, il progetto rispetta il principio DNSH (“Do No Significant Harm”), di cui all’articolo 17 del regolamento (UE) 2020/852 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 18 giugno 2020. La quantificazione dell’impatto ambientale associato alle soluzioni sviluppate nel corso del progetto agevolato viene condotta facendo ricorso a strumenti di LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) grazie alla collaborazione con la società Service Group R&D.