Electric Spring Faresin

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Full Electric news at Samoter, Vertikal Days and Apex

It’s an electrifying spring for Faresin Industries, which is preparing to exhibit its electric telehandlers at the season’s major trade shows: Samoter in Verona (Italy), Vertikal Days in Peterborough (UK) and Apex in Maastricht (Netherlands). These are innovative machines that are rapidly conquering the global market, thanks to the increasing environmental-climate awareness and the increasingly stringent laws regarding pollutant emissions.

By presenting the three new Big Range Full Electric models at Bauma (14.42, 17.40, and 17.45), Faresin kicks off the completion of the FARESIN FULL ELECTRIC line-up, which was launched in 2018 with the 6.26 model, the world’s first electric telehandler. This is a new and important step along the strategic axis of sustainable innovation, guiding the path of constant growth and improvement of the Faresin Industries brand.

The FULL ELECTRIC telehandlers, designed and manufactured entirely in the Breganze (VI) factories, embody the concept of effective sustainability: respect for the environment without giving up profitability and performance. Zero CO2 emissions and reduced noise levels allow the use of these machines even in closed environments, such as warehouses, logistics areas, and agricultural activities, improving the level of comfort and safety in the working environment.

“We are currently experiencing an extraordinary season of success in the international markets thanks to a vision of sustainable development, where machines use smart technologies that increase the profitability of the customers’ business and reduce consumption and CO2 emissions at the same time,” comments President Sante Faresin.“Sustainability has become an increasingly important added value of our new products. Therefore, we plan to make major investments to double production with an increasingly eco-friendly product.”. Therefore, we plan to make major investments to double production with an increasingly eco-friendly product.”

At the spring trade shows (Samoter in Verona, Vertikal Days in Peterborough, and Apex in Maastricht), Faresin is presenting itself to the general public with the aim of raising awareness in the construction and industry sectors of towards the use of electrified technologies as an essential way to reduce pollution on construction sites, while achieving the same performance as machines with endothermic engines. Full Electric telehandlers will therefore be the stars, presented in their most up-to-date versions.

Electrification is a rapidly expanding sector with revolutionary technological innovations being unveiled with very high frequency. This is why Faresin’s R&D division is constantly looking for new innovative solutions to be applied to its products in order to offer the best technology available on the market to the customers. The absolute novelty of this spring will be the new version of the 6.26 Full Electric, which has been perfected over the last few years by upgrading its major components.


In 2018, five years ahead of other players, Faresin launched the prototype of the 6.26 Full Electric, the world’s first electric telehandler. A machine that marked the beginning of a global revolution in agricultural and construction equipment because it introduced sustainability in areas where it had never been conceived.

This machine officially entered production in 2020 and has been a huge success in just 4 years, driving sales from all over the world, especially in Northern Europe and the United States. . A triumph driven by its extremely compact size and the ability to reach up to a height of 6m while lifting up to 2.6 tons, like the its endothermic-powered version. “No Compromise” has always been the motto guiding the entire project conception A goal that was achieved with flying colors thanks to a performance that is fully comparable to that of the diesel-powered machine.

Since its introduction, Faresin’s R&D center has continued to expand the project, experimenting with solutions that would allow the operator to improve the overall work experience. The activities focused primarily on increasing battery life and reducing charging times, which are currently the biggest entry barriers.

All these changes led to a restyling of the model called 6.26 Full Electric MY 2023 that will be presented at the spring trade shows: Samoter in Verona (May 3-7), Vertikal Days in Peterborough (May 10-11) and Apex in Maastricht (June 6-8).


Faresin has worked hard to equip the 2023 version with higher-performance batteries that are also suitable for intensive work. The 80 V battery pack, completely revamped and with improved energy density, can have three different capacities:

  • 24 kW/h (315 Ah) with a battery life of up to 6 hours
  • 32 kW/h (420 Ah) with a battery life of up to 8 hours
  • 43 kW/h (560 Ah) with a battery life of up to 11 hours


Compared to the version that was presented five years ago, the 6.26 Full Electric MY 2023 can be configured with four charging systems, depending on frequency of use and intensity of work cycles.

This broad range of chargers allows to meet the needs of customers from all parts of the world, who can then have different input voltages while offering the same final charging capacity.

The charging types are (with reference to the 315 Ah battery):

  • Standard single-phase on-board charger (supplied as standard), completely redesigned and with charging times cut in half compared to the 2018 version
  • External three-phase charger that charges the battery in just over 3 hours
  • Three-phase FAST external charger, for extremely fast charging times of just over an hour
  • Onboard FAST charger for fast recharges in just over two hours, with the convenience of not using an external support, and compatibility with both single-phase and three-phase interfaces.


The 6.26 Full Electric telehandler uses a sophisticated energy recovery system that converts it into electric power. Energy recovery occurs automatically during braking and when the accelerator is released. The electric motors act as a generator by converting a large portion of the car’s kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is then stored in the battery, increasing its operating time. A truly intelligent system that avoids energy dissipation as in the form of heat in favour of automatic battery recharging, and for reduced wear of the car machine’s braking system.


To maximize performance and reduce fuel consumption during travel, Faresin replaced the 15 Kw traction motor with a higher-performance 20 Kw S1 motor. In addition, an innovative motor temperature control system was installed to extend motor life and reduce maintenance.

The dedicated 18Kw S3 boom hydraulics motor provides the same lifting performance as its twin endothermic-powered engine and extremely smooth movements.


In addition to the standard anti-tilt system, the 6.26 Full Electric features technologies specially developed to make the machine safer and more efficient in all environmental conditions. Battery life has as a key factor the operating temperature, which must be kept constant at certain reference values. For this reason, the machines mount a battery thermal management system as standard to avoid overheating or power drops due to frost, safeguarding the lifetime of the battery pack.


The cab has also been completely revised compared to the version presented in 2018. The new colour display ensures optimal contrast at all times for maximum readability of all major machine indicators. The automotive-inspired push-button panel allows for intuitive and convenient menu navigation, even during handling operations. Finally, a new, more ergonomic, and responsive joystick has been fitted, and it is now also possible to install air conditioning, an indispensable option on scorching summer days.

BIG RANGE FULL ELECTRIC 14.45 – 17.40 – 17.45

Introduced at the last Bauma, the Big Range Full Electric attracted an immediate response from the public from the very first minutes of the event, with several units sold during the days of the fair. This series, designed for the modern construction site, also includes the world’s first electric telehandler with a maximum lifting height of 17m and a maximum lifting capacity of 4.5 tons.

Like its endothermic-powered counterpart, this range is fitted with front stabilizers, which ensure high performance and great stability on any type of terrain, and includes as many as 3 models:

  • 14.42 Full Electric, with a capacity of 4.2 tons and a maximum lifting height of 14 meters;
  • 17.40 Full Electric, with a capacity of 4 tons and a maximum lifting height of 17 meters;
  • 17.45 Full Electric, with a capacity of 4.5 tons and a maximum lifting height of 17 meters.

Faresin will exhibit the new 17.45 Full Electric at the Vertikal days in in Peterborough (May 10-11), exclusively previewed over the Channel.


At the heart of the new telehandler is a brand-new 45 kWh high-voltage lithium-ion battery pack that allows up to 8 hours of battery life. An 11 kW onboard charger has been mounted for charging, allowing the electric telehandler to charge with alternating current in about 4 hours. In addition, thanks to an automotive-inspired system called Universal Charge, it is possible to recharge batteries with absolute flexibility, thanks to a single plug-in interface for 220V single-phase and 400V three-phase power supplies such as for public and private fast-charging stations. A system that overcomes the problem of asymmetrical availability of different power systems in electrified construction vehicles for good.


Like its smaller sibling, the Big Range Full Electric telehandlers have a kinetic energy recovery system, which is activated automatically when braking and when the throttle is released. The recovered energy is then stored in the battery pack, extending the battery life.


The new Big Range Full Electric series is equipped with a 51 kW electric motor dedicated to the transmission, providing performance that is comparable to that achieved with endothermic engines. Power is delivered as needed thanks to a made-in-Faresin process that avoids energy wastage in favour of battery life. Thanks to these features, the motor can reach a maximum speed of 25 km/h and achieve a peak tractive force of 44.3kN.

For services, a 23-kW electric motor has been fitted to move the long boom, consisting of three extendable sections, with extremely smooth and precise movements.

Liquid cooling prevents overheating of both motors.


The new Big Range Full Electric series is equipped with a 51 kW electric motor dedicated to the transmission, providing performance that is comparable to that achieved with endothermic engines. Power is delivered as needed thanks to a made-in-Faresin process that avoids energy wastage in favour of battery life. Thanks to these features, the motor can reach a maximum speed of 25 km/h and achieve a peak tractive force of 44.3kN.

For services, a 23-kW electric motor has been fitted to move the long boom, consisting of three extendable sections, with extremely smooth and precise movements.

Liquid cooling prevents overheating of both motors.


The high-voltage batteries are designed to ensure an adequate level of safety under all working conditions. To preserve further the safety of operators in emergencies, Faresin has installed a voltage leakage control system that is automatically activated in case of danger. In addition, a device has been fitted to isolate the battery during service interventions to work in complete peace of mind.


This new series features the same revamped cab as the 6.26 Full Electric MY 2023, with the new colour LED display and automotive push-button panel. The Big Range Full Electric telehandlers mount a new electro-proportional hydraulic joystick that allows for extremely precise movements thanks to the ergonomics of the controls. Air conditioning can also be installed to ensure maximum comfort for the operator even during the summer.

Picture of Giorgia


Mi chiamo Giorgia e mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni con la stampa. Sono molto creativa e mi diverto a liberare il mio estro nella produzione di contenuti come articoli, foto e video. La curiosità è il mio mantra. Sono appassionata di marketing e di comunicazione innovativa, e sono sempre attenta alle nuove tendenze.
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• farm del futuro:
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