Self-propelled mixer wagons

Leader PF3 Plus Ecotronic

A self-propelled mixer wagon designed for large livestock farms available in three-auger versions of 1,059, 1,271 and 1,412 m3. A project featuring not only a large load capacity, but above all the unique integrated digital machine management system called ECOTRONIC.



1,059 to 1,412


faresin leader pf 3

Largest milling cutter (2200 mm)

Automated blending made easy.

360-degree panoramic view.

Smallest turning radius in the category.

Improved heat dissipation
and facilitated maintenance


Automatic Smart Assist

Thanks to the ECOTRONIC system, the Leader PF3 Plus becomes a true laboratory on wheels, combining extreme working precision, exceptional manoeuvrability, and excellent driving comfort. The integrated electronic management enables optimised machine output, ensuring high performance and minimum consumption, thus reducing operating costs and the environmental impact. The innovative ECOTRONIC system allows automatic and optimal control of the loading equipment based on the recipe, according to the raw materials that are progressively selected, guaranteeing the best possible quality of the unifeed.


Top Unifeed

The synergy with Polispec NIR, integrated into the machine, is crucial insofar as it accurately and continuously monitors the mix, informing the operator of the best time to unload based on the level of homogeneity achieved. During the unloading phase, Polispec NIR continues to monitor the quality and characteristics of the mix, sending real-time data to the farm management program which is then used by the farmer to carry out further evaluations and in-depth checks.

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leader pf3

3 steerable axles

Manoeuvrability in every situation

The Leader PF3 offers high manoeuvrability even on roads and in confined spaces. It has 3 steering axles, two of which are permanent all-wheel drive powered by a pump that delivers 285 l/min@2200 rpm and with 43% limited slip, ensuring exceptional manoeuvrability in all conditions.

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Milling Cutter and Shredder

Top efficiency

The loading equipment consists of a powerful 7.2 ft wide milling cutter that guarantees fast and precise processing of the material and a variable shredder. Its particular shape ensures a rapid flow towards the loading channel, respecting the structure of the silage without altering its characteristics and nutritional properties.

The ECOTRONIC system also offers a new solution for the shredder. Thanks to the electronic actuators the operator can automatically control the position of the counter-knives based on cutting needs.

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Mixing tub

New capacties

The innovative ECOTRONIC system allows automatic and optimal control of the loading equipment based on the recipe, according to the raw materials that are progressively selected, guaranteeing the best possible quality of the unifeed. The special shape of the mixing parts produces perfect unifeed that respects the fibre, an essential feature of the Faresin PF series. To facilitate unloading operations in all types of farms, the tank can have up to four ports equipped with unloading belts that can be simultaneously controlled directly by the operator.

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A high performance engine

The machine is equipped with a 212 kW 6.7 l FPT Stage V engine, providing all the necessary power with limited consumption.
The engine is fitted with a cooling fan that automatically adjusts based on the temperature, complete with airflow reversal to clean the heat exchanger. Thanks to carefully studied performance optimisation, the engine delivers the right amount of power as needed, thus enabling a significant reduction in fuel consumption and a sharp decrease in noise emissions. The decision to place the mixer wagon engine in the rear part of the frame has proven to be a winning choice for Faresin:

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Ergonomics and comfort

On board the PF cab, all controls are ergonomically arranged to allow the operator to easily manage the sophisticated technology system installed. All information regarding the machine is grouped together on the display in different screens for simpler and more practical operation. The introduction of the ECOTRONIC system has allowed the addition of new vehicle information so that all work operations can be monitored at all times.


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Leader PF3 Plus


Main Features



Semoventi nero e bianco 1

Full range

Faresin Mixer Wagons

Discover Faresin’s full range of Mixer Wagons: the self-propelled Leader PF, the trailed TPF, and the stationary PF and Master. Choose from all models of different capacity sizes, from 1 to 3 augers with vertical or horizontal mixing.

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ERAMIX - Electric and Robot driven mixing technologies for the future sustainable agriculture

Nella proposta progettuale il team R&D Faresin sarà impegnato in attività di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale. Le stesse saranno portate a termine mediante l’apporto intellettuale di tecnici interni all’azienda, avvalendosi del supporto di specialisti esterni, tra gli altri: Service Group R&D, dell’Università degli studi di Padova. Il progetto è stato sostenuto dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy attraverso la concessione di un contributo diretto alla spesa pari a 1.960.732 € e di un finanziamento a tasso agevolato pari a 1.386.222 €.

Puntualmente, le finalità di progetto si riassumono nei seguenti punti:

• massimizzazione del benessere dell’animale: precision feeding, benessere dell’ambiente stalla;
• elettrificazione dei sistemi di propulsione per carri miscelatori;
• farm del futuro:
• sviluppo della guida autonoma per i carri di miscelazione
• sviluppo di un MES per la gestione del processo: precision farming
• implementazione del calcolo della carbon footprint di processo in real-time analizzata in tempo reale e riferita al litro di latte prodotto

Le attività prevedranno tutti gli step necessari alla realizzazione di una nuova gamma di prodotto: dalla fattibilità, alla progettazione, alla realizzazione e test, una pluralità di work packages sono volti alla realizzazione e validazione di prototipi di carro miscelatore, full electric, anche con guida autonoma e con features digitali che porteranno alla rivoluzione delle attuali pratiche operative del settore di riferimento.

Infine, il progetto rispetta il principio DNSH (“Do No Significant Harm”), di cui all’articolo 17 del regolamento (UE) 2020/852 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 18 giugno 2020. La quantificazione dell’impatto ambientale associato alle soluzioni sviluppate nel corso del progetto agevolato viene condotta facendo ricorso a strumenti di LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) grazie alla collaborazione con la società Service Group R&D.

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