50th Anniversary Faresin INDUSTRIES

50 anni sante

50 years of history and a future to celebrate

On Friday, September 29, Faresin INDUSTRIES blew out its first fifty candles with an international convention, “Let’s Celebrate the Future,” held at its Breganze plants, involving more than 400 participants. A grand event that called together all the partners who have contributed to the Brand’s global success over this half century.

The next day, the celebration also expanded to include employees and their families, some 600 people, in the inclusive spirit of Faresin INDUSTRIES.

During Friday’s plenary meeting, Management, Sante FARESIN (President), Silvia Faresin (Vice President), and Giulia Faresin (Operations Manager) flanked by their staff, reviewed the milestones of the company’s history and outlined the vision and future strategies.

“It seems almost impossible for me that the company is turning 50 this year because I always feel like I am on the starting blocks-I still have so many dreams to realize and goals to achieve,” the president began, adding “Welfare of the land, innovation, industrial excellence and sustainability,these are the four pillars on which we are building our future.”

There was no shortage of distinguished guests such as regional councillors Elena Donazzanand Manuela Lanzarin (education and health, respectively), Vicenza Province President Andrea Nardin, Confindustria Vicenza President Laura Dalla Vecchia, and the editor of the Giornale di Vicenza, Dr. Lanzarin. Marino Smiderle, who also moderated the opening stages of the plenary session.

50 years institutions

Silvia and Giulia Faresin with regional councillors Donazzan and Lanzarin, Confindustria Vicenza President Laura Dalla Vecchia and Breganze Mayor Piera Campana

Vice President Silvia FARESIN, on the other hand, illustrated business and market opportunities through two external testimonials from two industry scholars who observe the market from a more objective perspective.

The Dr. Gabriele Chiodini of theUniversity of Perugia analyzed trends in the agricultural sector, such as the demand for increasingly sustainable and smart equipment which at the same time allow for increased production while reducing pollutant emissions in line with the goal of achieving climate neutrality through the use of renewable sources.

In contrast, Dr. Paul Howard, a specialist from the Off Highway Research publishing pool , analyzed the construction market, pointing out that over the past 30 years the growth of telehandlers has been unparalleled. The most affected areas are Europe and North America, which absorb at least 83 percent of global demand.

Listening to customers and interpreting their needs and turning them into solutions has been at the heart of our business model from the very beginning. Ideally we want to get to the involvement of the in the design of technology solutions thus making them a shared goal. To achieve this, we have adopted two best practices involving all areas of the company: the management of the customer journey and the analysis of business intelligence data collected on the various occasions of customer contact.” Vice President Silvia Faresin explains.

50 years stalls

Next, Giulia FARESIN, Operations Manager, looked at the challenges of the Factory of the Future. “We work to build an increasingly digital and automated factory, following a fluid and constant process that interacts harmoniously with the value that is contributed by the other players in the Faresin system. Our goal is for production to develop the ability to adapt promptly to ‘changing demand through the development of new skills and theimplementation of new processes that are increasingly efficient and sustainable.”

Next, Giulia Faresin, involving the front lines of R&D, unveiled a preview of two new products that will be presented to the general public at the Agritechnica Fair in November:

  • FS Middle, the series the second series of the Next Generation of FARESIN telescopic handlers.
  • Leader PF Full Electric, a self-propelled 100% electric zero-emission mixer wagon

Two sensational innovations that will revolutionize the way operators think about their work and precision agriculture.

The following day, Saturday, Oct. 30, Faresin also wanted to celebrate the important milestone with the more than 250 employees who make the company’s projects a reality every day with enthusiasm and tenacity. In fact, the company opened the doors of its production facilities in Breganze to welcome its employees and their families, who were able to tour the company’s facilities and see up close the Mixer Wagons and telehandlers that Faresin manufactures.

50 years team
Picture of Giorgia


Mi chiamo Giorgia e mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni con la stampa. Sono molto creativa e mi diverto a liberare il mio estro nella produzione di contenuti come articoli, foto e video. La curiosità è il mio mantra. Sono appassionata di marketing e di comunicazione innovativa, e sono sempre attenta alle nuove tendenze.
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Nella proposta progettuale il team R&D Faresin sarà impegnato in attività di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale. Le stesse saranno portate a termine mediante l’apporto intellettuale di tecnici interni all’azienda, avvalendosi del supporto di specialisti esterni, tra gli altri: Service Group R&D, dell’Università degli studi di Padova. Il progetto è stato sostenuto dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy attraverso la concessione di un contributo diretto alla spesa pari a 1.960.732 € e di un finanziamento a tasso agevolato pari a 1.386.222 €.

Puntualmente, le finalità di progetto si riassumono nei seguenti punti:

• massimizzazione del benessere dell’animale: precision feeding, benessere dell’ambiente stalla;
• elettrificazione dei sistemi di propulsione per carri miscelatori;
• farm del futuro:
• sviluppo della guida autonoma per i carri di miscelazione
• sviluppo di un MES per la gestione del processo: precision farming
• implementazione del calcolo della carbon footprint di processo in real-time analizzata in tempo reale e riferita al litro di latte prodotto

Le attività prevedranno tutti gli step necessari alla realizzazione di una nuova gamma di prodotto: dalla fattibilità, alla progettazione, alla realizzazione e test, una pluralità di work packages sono volti alla realizzazione e validazione di prototipi di carro miscelatore, full electric, anche con guida autonoma e con features digitali che porteranno alla rivoluzione delle attuali pratiche operative del settore di riferimento.

Infine, il progetto rispetta il principio DNSH (“Do No Significant Harm”), di cui all’articolo 17 del regolamento (UE) 2020/852 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 18 giugno 2020. La quantificazione dell’impatto ambientale associato alle soluzioni sviluppate nel corso del progetto agevolato viene condotta facendo ricorso a strumenti di LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) grazie alla collaborazione con la società Service Group R&D.