New FS Middle

FS Middle

Growing the Next Generation of Faresin Telescopic Handlers

On the occasion of the convention dedicated to the 50th anniversary “Celebrating the Future,” Faresin previewed FS Middle , the second series of the Next Generation of FARESIN telehandlers. This range, designed to be agile and versatile in any agricultural and construction context, includes machines with extendable booms ranging from 7 to 10 meters in height with capacities from 3.5 to 4.5 tons.

Faresin decided to unveil the series precisely during the plenary conference on September 29, 2023, where the management celebrated past successes, but more importantly, announced future plans that will see the company leading an increasingly global rise. A statement that will see product innovation as the engine for business development.

For this very reason, the FS Middle project is designed to be a real paradigm shift from the previous generation. An advance at the technological level that propels the series into the future, as it was born prepared for developments in “Internet of Things” technology, which will be increasingly strategic for fleet management and the interaction between machines and devices on farms and construction sites.

The new FS Middle lifts are created to respond to increasingly unpredictable variations in demand, offering working precision, ease of operation and operator comfort. With numerous configurations and Deutz Stage V engines ranging from 55 kw to 100 kw, these machines are perfectly suited to the needs of every user.

The FS Series Middle will be presented to the general public at the exhibition Agritechnica in Hanover this November, where visitors will be able to take a closer look at this technological gem.

fs range faresin photo 1

FS Middle: Design and Cabin

FS Middle features the evolutionary and functional design of the FS Series, launched in 2021 with the Compact Series, featuring new hoods with notably tapered slope on the right front wheel that markedly improve visibility. The cabin is also designed to provide a 360-degree view and reduce blind spots, including large anti-glare windows and an elongated windshield.

The interior has been completely redesigned to promote better ergonomics of controls and more intuitive operation. Through the display, either 5″ or 7″, all engine operating parameters and other accessory functions such as car radio, climate controls, headlight control, etc. can be viewed. This allows the operator to be in control at all times.

Powerful full LED lighting is available for road traffic and work lights on the cab and boom and provides excellent illumination in all visibility conditions.

FS Middle: Transmissions

The new FS Middle can have single speed, dual speed or continuously variable hydrostatic transmissions (HVTronic).

The new HVTronic continuously variable hydrostatic transmission ensures comfortable travel up to 40 km/h without jerking. HVTronic combines the infinite displacement variation of the two hydrostatic motors with mechanical ratio variation, thanks to a dual-ratio gearbox and multi-disc clutch that allows for no torque interruptions during shifting.

With this technology, the operator, simply by pressing the accelerator pedal, can count on smoother travel and maximum traction always available. The HVTronic transmission also allows for greater energy efficiency: the two hydrostatic motors and electronic control allow for lower fuel consumption, compared to a conventional hydrostatic transmission, especially when moving at top speed.

As with the FS Series Ecodrive transmissions, there are 4 different driving modes selectable for HVTronic:

  • Ecodrive: for travel up to 40km/h with automotive-type control
  • Slow: speed limited to 15km/h and smoother throttle response curve for approaches or precision work
  • Creeper: speed limited to 15km/h and diesel engine RPM adjustment independent of machine moving speed
  • Forklift: diesel engine speed control directly from the joystick according to the movements of the telescopic boom, all optimized for maximum efficiency and energy saving.

Single-speed hydrostatic transmissions or two-speed mechanical transmissions are also available, enabling top speeds of 30 km/h and 40 km/h, respectively.

FS Middle telehandlers are extremely agile and maneuverable machines with three steering modes as standard, a turning radius of only 4.15 meters and a wheelbase of 2.95 meters with a reduced rear overhang effect.

FS Middle: Intelligent arm

All FS Middle models are equipped with a sturdy S420 steel boom with a double-C structure with heights ranging from 7 to 10 meters with capacities from 35 to 45 quintals. The Ecofast-E valve (available in some versions) ensures smooth and fast movements even at low speeds. With electronic load compensation, working safety is improved, ensuring optimal vehicle control.

To simplify the daily use of the machine and raise the level of safety in all working conditions, Faresin has introduced many intelligent functions in the new FS generation (available upon request). First, it is possible to limit the height of arm movements when working in confined spaces, such as low ceilings or ground impediments. In addition, the speed all boom movements (raising/lowering, extending and swinging) can be individually adjusted for faster or slower operations. The control of some attachments, such as the bucket, is made easier with some functions such as automatic boom retraction or bucket shaking. The floating arm function is necessary when using attachments that must adapt to the roughness of the ground. Finally, it is possible to set safety slowdowns when you are at the end of the movements that are most taxing on the machine’s structure to ensure longer component life.


FS Middle: Performance Engines

The range has Deutz Stage V 4-cylinder engines, ranging in power from 55 kw to 100 kw and equipped with DOC+DPF+SCR (except for the 55 kw which has DOC+DPF). The longitudinal arrangement of the Diesel engine and related hydraulic components enables better efficiency in power transmission and efficient management of the cooling system. The integrated exchanger placed horizontally, away from mud and dust, integrates an electronically controlled ventilation system that activates when needed and can reverse the air flow to keep the system clean at all times. A technology that reduces noise and fuel consumption, resulting in a longer service life for machine components.

Intake air preheating, using glow plugs, is standard on all FS Series-mounted engines and allows cold starts down to -25°. In colder temperatures, engine water preheating through an external electrical system (110/220 V) is available as an option for all engines.

faresin sollevatore telescopico accessori
Picture of Giorgia


Mi chiamo Giorgia e mi occupo della comunicazione e delle relazioni con la stampa. Sono molto creativa e mi diverto a liberare il mio estro nella produzione di contenuti come articoli, foto e video. La curiosità è il mio mantra. Sono appassionata di marketing e di comunicazione innovativa, e sono sempre attenta alle nuove tendenze.
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Nella proposta progettuale il team R&D Faresin sarà impegnato in attività di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale. Le stesse saranno portate a termine mediante l’apporto intellettuale di tecnici interni all’azienda, avvalendosi del supporto di specialisti esterni, tra gli altri: Service Group R&D, dell’Università degli studi di Padova. Il progetto è stato sostenuto dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy attraverso la concessione di un contributo diretto alla spesa pari a 1.960.732 € e di un finanziamento a tasso agevolato pari a 1.386.222 €.

Puntualmente, le finalità di progetto si riassumono nei seguenti punti:

• massimizzazione del benessere dell’animale: precision feeding, benessere dell’ambiente stalla;
• elettrificazione dei sistemi di propulsione per carri miscelatori;
• farm del futuro:
• sviluppo della guida autonoma per i carri di miscelazione
• sviluppo di un MES per la gestione del processo: precision farming
• implementazione del calcolo della carbon footprint di processo in real-time analizzata in tempo reale e riferita al litro di latte prodotto

Le attività prevedranno tutti gli step necessari alla realizzazione di una nuova gamma di prodotto: dalla fattibilità, alla progettazione, alla realizzazione e test, una pluralità di work packages sono volti alla realizzazione e validazione di prototipi di carro miscelatore, full electric, anche con guida autonoma e con features digitali che porteranno alla rivoluzione delle attuali pratiche operative del settore di riferimento.

Infine, il progetto rispetta il principio DNSH (“Do No Significant Harm”), di cui all’articolo 17 del regolamento (UE) 2020/852 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 18 giugno 2020. La quantificazione dell’impatto ambientale associato alle soluzioni sviluppate nel corso del progetto agevolato viene condotta facendo ricorso a strumenti di LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) grazie alla collaborazione con la società Service Group R&D.